Revised 4/29/24

Why a New Playground?
We don’t currently have wheelchair accessibility
Our playground we have now is rundown and has cuss words written in visible places where little kids can see.
There is a burn hole in the slide and kids are ripping their pants on it. (We are saying this from personal experiences.)
If possible, we would like to get rid of the wood chips because they get everywhere.
We would also like to have PIP (poured in place) rubber, rubber for the ground under the playground. This is expensive, so may not be in our budget, but we are hoping to add this.
We don’t like seeing kids who can't participate because of their disabilities.
The playground is almost 30 years old and too outdated to find new parts.
Our New Playground will be:
Inclusive for all ages and abilities
Closer to the school for safety and security
Handicapped Accessible
Another place for families and visitors to bring their children
Plans for the old playground
Refurbish the climbers and swings
Get more durable swings for the current swing set
Keep pieces of the current structure that are still in good repair