Revised 4/29/24

Goal: Project Completion Summer 2024
A Log of our Journey
October 2022: Decided to advocate and try to fundraise for a new and inclusive school playground
November 2022:
Formed a committee from some student council members
Created a presentation
Presented to the School Board
December 2022:
Was given the go-ahead from administration to fundraise
Presented to the Isle Lions Club
January 2023:
Wrote a business letter
Met with two contractors
Addressed and mailed letters to local businesses
Booked some presentations
Mille Lacs Messenger interviewed the girls and wrote an article for the newspaper
February 2023
Were given bids from contractors
Was contacted by an alumni of Isle to help with the fundraising effort
Met with Betsy from Hopkins Elementary to discuss what they are doing/ who they've contacted / what went well or didn't go well with their project up to this date
Created thermometer we called "Marty the Playground Moolah Monster"
Presented to:
Wahkon City Council
Mille Lacs Drift Skippers
Onamia VFW
Brainstormed more fundraising ideas
First Draft of Playground was presented and discussed
Updated and edited the presentation
Received a generous donation from Isle Bowl & Pizza
March 2023
Wrote thank-you's to organizations that donated
Created and Hung Posters up Thank you posters by "Marty the Playground Moolah Monster"
Wrote personal letter to favorite celebrity Tom Holland
Sent out more business letters locally
Cemstone contacted us and we mailed out a request for donated supplies and/or labor
- ​Presented to:​
- Teal's Market, Andrea Teal
- Mille Lacs Raiders Wrestling Club
- First National Bank of Milaca
- Discussed Creating this website
- Decided to go with "Landscape Structures" for Playground Contractor
- Second Draft of Playground was presented and discussed
April 2023
Donation received from Lyback's Marine, Inc.
Created Website
Launched Online Fundraising through BetterWorld
Summer 2023
We had a bake sale during Isle Days
Beer Garden
Private Donations
October 2023
Cards for a Cause Fundraiser
Private Donations
February/March 2024
Looked at budgets
Made revisions to the playground to meet the funds that were raised
April 2024
Revised the playground a last time
Ordered the playground and signed a contract with Landscape Structures

Isabel Honek, Sheldyn Pedersen, and Addy Turgeon
Founding Members, Grade 6