Nyquist Elementary Kindergarten
What makes our Kindergarten Unique?
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Discovery Fridays
Fridays during full weeks of school are special days for our Kindergarten kids. This is a special time, set aside, where the children have the chance to explore our natural world. We spend time outside, in all types of weather, to learn how to question and observe the world around us. We use all of our senses to learn about plants, animals, rocks, worms, and weather, and much more!
Our Kinder-gardens
Kindergarten students at Nyquist have garden beds and get to dig in the dirt, planting, weeding, and observing their garden. In the fall, we plant tulip bulbs, and watch the tulips come up in the spring. In the spring, we weed, transplant the flowers to take home, and plant vegetables.
It is fun to watch the students' excitement as the plants begin to grow and they learn how to take care of the plants. Of course, they also learn the importance the weather plays in the growth of a plant, as well as many other factors.
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Author of the Day
Kindergarten children at Nyquist Elementary have the opportunity to be "Author of the Day" many times throughout the school year. During "Author of the Day", the students get an opportunity to speak in front of the class, telling a story. It could be something that really happened to them, or something make-believe. Later in the year, students get to practice sequencing and following directions as our "Author of the Day" is also an illustrator and teaches the class to draw something. The students love this time of day and get to know each other in a unique and fun way!
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We Believe in Play
In our Kindergarten, we believe in the power of Play. If we can do our math or reading lesson outside, we will. If we can act it out, we will. If we can learn something by doing hands-on art activities, it is a priority for us to make it fun, interesting, and playful. Children at this age learn best through play and we do everything we can to provide positive experiences.